Rabu, 16 November 2011

The Next List: Marco Tempest, the 'cyber-illusionist'

Each week “The Next List,” with host Dr. Sanjay Gupta, profiles innovators from all walks of life and all fields of endeavor. This new CNN TV series will explore what makes each of these individuals a non-conformist agent of change.
Our goal is to explore why these innovators are successful - and to take a fun peek into their creative worlds.
These subjects are driving change that will impact our lives - in technology, education, entertainment, the arts and natural sciences. We will explore how their passion, personal history and unique thinking enabled their successes today.
Our first Next Lister is Marco Tempest, a magician who's so unique he wouldn't even use that word to describe himself. Instead, he refers to himself as a "cyber-illusionist." Tempest combines videos, computer graphics and other modern technologies with the ideas of old-world magic.
Tempest began performing at a very young age. By the time he was 22, he had captured the prestigious New York World Cup of Magic, launching him into international prominence. Always working to stay just a bit ahead of the curve, he has a particularly winning way of taking his audiences with him on his magical excursions into the land of tomorrow.
Take a look at our first show, which aired on Sunday. To watch the full program, start with the video at the top of this post and then continue with the videos below. Thanks – and let us know what you think in the comments section!  http://whatsnext.blogs.cnn.com/2011/11/15/the-next-list-marco-tempest-part-1/

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