Minggu, 27 November 2011

Exercise with the ball for thighs and abs

What is an exercise ball?
An exercise ball, also known as the stability ball, or the Swiss ball, is an essential tool in many different physical exercises practiced at homes and in physical training centers. It is made out of elastic material and filled with air and is usually found in physical training institutes and gyms. The basic purpose of this ball is to provide the right amount of support and balance that is required for that particular exercise. The exercise ball is available by many names including therapy ball, yoga ball, physioball, sports ball etc.
What is it used for?
Many people all over the world also use the exercise ball in order to correct and maintain posture. Exercise balls in gyms and physical training institutes are used for a variety of exercises and physical training routines. The main purpose of the exercise ball is providing balance and support during exercises.
An exercise ball is available in different sizes varying with weight resistance based on the standard; the material with which these stability balls are manufactured is tough and resistant to weight, which means that they can withstand a considerable amount of force. This property makes them an ideal tool for exercising purposes.
What is the benefit of using the exercise ball?
The main benefit of using the exercise ball is the fact that it forces and engages more muscles in making the body stable and in gaining balance. This in turn makes these muscles stronger. This is why most exercises that involve the stability ball are abdominal and back muscle exercises.
Exercises with the exercise ball and stay healthy

From  http://www.tipsforhealth.org

Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder

For anyone who wants to build muscle faster, there are many products out there boasting human growth hormone or protein or nitric oxide. However, not all of them work in a natural setting like Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder. With Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder you can enjoy natural stimulants that cut your fat and build muscle.

Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder Benefits

There are two main benefits to using Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder. The first is that it helps the body to naturally produce more growth hormones which works avidly to reduce fat. Second, it works to build muscle naturally, the same as you were able to build when you were twenty. Since it can maximize the body’s natural potential it is being recognized all over the world for have growth hormone benefits.

How does Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder Works?

Velvet antler is known as the cartilaginous antler on deer in the pre-calcified stage. Prior to reaching its full size, antlers are cut off near the base to prevent the calcification. The antler is then dried and used for ancient health remedies. The Ancient Chinese used velvet antler as a pro-growth agent, an immune stimulant, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory agents. MLB players have already been using deer antler, but it is not banned because of the performance-enhancing effects it has on building muscle and cutting fat. Harvesting antler velvet is a safe and humane process, which causes no harm or pain to the deer. The quality of the antlers is assessed and then they are removed through a surgical process by a veterinarian. The deer are released the same day.

Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder Side Effects

So far, there are no major side effects associated with using this product, though unnecessarily large doses can be unhealthy. Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder is used as an alternative to steroids because it does not pose health risks. The supplement offers safe use so long as safety precautions are taken.

Where To Buy Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder

Healthy Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates make up the bulk of an average persons diet. These are starches and sugars that our body utilizes for energy. Rice, bread, pasta and vegetables high in starch like potatoes are rich in carbohydrates. Not all carbs are healthy for you, as some can make you gain weight and offer empty calories. Here are a few tips that can help you select healthy carbohydrates:
Choose whole grains:
Instead of going for breads, buns, rolls and cereals made from white flour, try to go for whole grain varieties. These are high in fiber and also don’t make you put on excessive weight. They are also great for the digestive system.
Replace white pasta with whole wheat pasta:
Substitute the regular pasta that you eat with the ones made from whole wheat. This is definitely low in calories and even tastes better. You can even opt for spinach pasta or egg noodles instead of regular noodles.
Try to avoid starchy vegetables:
Try to go for healthy carbs like turnips, cauliflower and celery roots instead of the starch loaded potatoes. If you want, you can always add these vegetables to mashed potatoes to limit the potato intake in your diet, instead of eliminating it all together. Include fresh vegetables like carrots, onions, cucumbers and salad to your diet and try to eat them raw as much as possible.
Add fruits to your diet:
Fruits are always very healthy and loaded with vitamins and minerals. Fruit is also very high in fiber and can do you a world of good if you eat it regularly. Try to avoid starchy fruit like bananas and stick to more healthy and low calorie options like apples, strawberries and other seasonal fruits.

From www.tipsforhealth.org

Fruit Benefits : How Fruit Nutrition Benefits Health

Fruits have many benefits for your health and well being, and if eaten regularly can even aid you in losing weight. Mentioned here are some benefits of eating fruits:
Weight control: Fruits help you in losing weight by satisfying your carving for sugars since they are not loaded with calories, they don’t let you gain too much weight
Packed with energy: fruits provide you with much more energy to perform your daily duties and even exercises as they are rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are essential for your health
Lower risk of developing heart diseases: since fruits contain literally no cholesterols, they help maintain ideal levels of cholesterol in the blood, they are also packed full of potassium that is very healthy for the heart. They actually have the potential to lower the risk of heart diseases as well as aiding in lowering blood pressure due to the high potassium content.
May reduce the risks of developing certain cancers: fruits contain a lot of anti oxidants, which help fight cancer producing cells. They also have natural chemicals that may aid in preventing the growth of mutating cells, especially colon cancer cells.
Fruits help in slowing down the aging process: due to the anti-oxidants and vitamins in fruits, they help you stay younger, healthier and stronger. They give you the essential minerals and vitamins that will not let you have deficiencies and thus, have a better and longer life.
How can you incorporate fruits into your diet?
  • Add dried pieces of fruit to your breakfast cereal
  • Make fruit salads, and then refrigerate them
  • Eat apples, bananas, pears, grape fruit or any other seasonal fruit before you go out
  • Drink fruit juices instead of sodas, but always try to make fresh fruit juice.
From www.tipsforhealth.org

Perhitungan Biaya Kos

Ini adalah script php untuk menghitung biaya kos, dengan berbagai fasilitas kos yang ada. Ketik script php di bawah ini, simpan di xampp\htdocs, lalu jalankan di browser.

 <TITLE>Form Input Data</TITLE>
 <form method="post" action="" target="_self">
    <table border="1">
        <td colspan="2" align="center"><b>PERHITUNGAN HARGA KOST</b></td>
        <td width="116">Tipe Kamar</td>
        <td width="174"><select name="tipe">
                           <option value="A">A. [2x3 m]</option>
                           <option value="B">B. [3x3 m]</option>
                           <option value="C">C. [4x3 m]</option>
          <td><input name="rb_air" type="radio" value="PDAM">Air PDAM<br>
             <input name="rb_air" type="radio" value="Tanah">Air Tanah</td>
          <td><input name="cb_telepon" type="checkbox" value="Y">Telepon<br>
              <input name="cb_televisi" type="checkbox" value="Y">Televisi<br>
              <input name="cb_komputer" type="checkbox" value="Y">Komputer<br>
              <input name="cb_rice" type="checkbox" value="Y">Rice Cooker</td>
              <td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Hitung">
              <input type="reset" name="submit2" value="Reset"></td>


          if($submit)//Jika tombol submit di klik

              <table border="1">
              <tr><td colspan="2"align="center">HASIL PERHITUNGAN</td></tr>
              <tr bgcolor="silver"><td colspan="2" align="center">Kamar</td></tr>
                              $luas="2 x 3 m";
                             $luas="3 x 3 m";
                             $luas="4 x 3 m";
                          echo $luas;//menuliskan luas
              ?></td><td align=right>Rp.
                           <? echo number_format($harga,0,",",".");?></td></tr>
                 <tr bgcolor="silver"><td align="center" colspan="2">Jenis Air</td></tr>
                 <tr><td>Air <? echo $rb_air;?></td><td align="right">Rp.
                       echo number_format($air,0,",",".");//menuliskan air
               echo "<tr bgcolor=silver>
                     <td align=center colspan=2>Fasilitas-Fasilitas</td></tr>";
                                echo "<tr><td>Telepon</td><td align=right>Rp. ".
                                  echo "<tr><td>Televisi</td><td align=right>Rp. ".
                               echo "<tr><td>Komputer</td><td align=right>Rp. ".
                            echo "<tr><td>Rice Cooker</td><td align=right>Rp. ".
                         echo "<tr bgcolor=silver><td>TOTAL</td><td align=right><b>Rp. ".


Senin, 21 November 2011

Beauty Tips: Five Important Beauty Tips For Wom

Beauty does not necessarily come from the usage of expensive cosmetics and skin treatments. You can use these easy to follow beauty tips and bring out your natural beauty with the help of these excellent beauty tips which will allow you to look stunning!

Get enough sleep:

8 hours of sleep every night is a must. The body needs this time period for the production and regeneration of many substances which cannot take place otherwise. Ample amount of sleep every night will also prevent the formation of dark circles or eye bags, which in some cases cannot be concealed even with the help of makeup. The key to looking fresh and healthy is as simple as getting a good night’s sleep.

Drink plenty of water:

For a healthy, glowing skin you must drink plenty of water. Drinking eight glasses of water daily can give you a perfect, flawless skin which will not require any artificial beauty enhancement.

Cut down on oils and fats:

A balanced diet which consists of all basic nutrients and minerals required by the body is absolutely essential, but for a perfect, acne free skin, cut down on fried and oily foods entirely. This will prevent oily skin and acne.

Wome Beauty Tips: Look Younger

Protect your skin:

Always wear sun block that suits your skin when out in the sun in order to prevent sun burns and uneven tans. Apart from looking unattractive, these tans take a considerable period of time in vanishing. Also, avoid direct exposure to dust, dirt and pollution.

Include plenty of greens in your diet:

It is true that every single fruit and every single vegetable has unique benefits of its own. Fruits and vegetables are full of important minerals and vitamins that can do you a world of good.
from http://www.tipsforhealth.org/

How to get rid of a Mucocele

Mucoceles are oral swellings that occur in the mouth or tiny sacs under the tongue. Main reason for Mucocele is salivary gland gets blocked and saliva is unable to flow smoothly.

Home Treatment For Mucocele:

Most of time, Mucocele will disappear by itself and you don’t have to do anything to treat it. But sometimes it last longer and cause very discomfort for eating normally and you may have to treat it or do something.
People usually opt for surgery to treat bad Mucocele but here are some tips that you can use to get rid of Mucocele and if problem still persist, consult your physician.
  • Apply some honey where Mucocele appears. It will give you some relief.
  • Take some salt and gargle with it couple times a day. People report Mucocele completely gone using salt.
  • Even using caster oil at night time helps.
  • Put some alum for 10 minutes and use mouth wash afterwards. Repeat this process couple of times.
Again, these are simple home remedy that you can try quick to remove any discomfort and Mucocele .
If you had Mucocele and used any natural treatment to get rid of it, please let our visitor know about it and post it here.
from http://www.tipsforhealth.org/how-to-ret-rid-of-a-mucocele

Natural Home Remedy For Flatulence, Gas and Constipation

If you are experiencing flatulence it can be the result of many things. First and foremost it is a natural way for your body to relieve itself from any gases which are built up in your GI tract. If you drink certain things or eat certain foods it can create large gaseous build ups in your tract. When you body consumes food it takes from it the nutrients that it needs and then disposes of anything else. The toxins left are what come out once your body processes the food. When you pass these toxins you pass them in solid form or you pass them in gas form.
The biggest reason that you have flatulence is because of a problem associated with your GI tract and your digestive system. If your body is unable to properly digest the food you eat then you will get bloated during the body’s attempt at digestion and you will fart. If you are stressed, your flatulence will get worse because your body will be unable to properly digest its food.
In order to find the best home remedies for flatulence, you must first consider what you eat and drink and begin to reduce that. Again, the biggest cause of flatulence is digestion. When your body attempts to digest food, it will take from the food and drink you consume the nutrients you need for your body, such as vitamins and antioxidants, and then it will expel the rest. When your body expels the rests, it is getting rid of toxins. The toxins must come out of your body in one way or another otherwise they will make you very sick. If you consume foods such as legumes, beans, or fermented foods you will fart a lot. By reducing your intake of these you can reduce your levels of flatulence.
Other home remedies for flatulence include consuming one cup of min, lemon, or ginger tea in the morning. These will help your GI tract and get rid of any excessive gas. Keeping your bowel movements regular is also done by consuming foods high in fiber. You can have one cup of caraway seeds or one cup of fennel seeds after each meal in order to alleviate flatulence and expelling any gas.
If you are having excessive gas or constipation problem, beside other natural remedies for gas, you can do fasting also to clear your stomach and then get on regular diet, don’t eat too much at once and eating on time will help.

Health Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds

One of the best way to remove gas within 24 hours is take Fenugreek Seeds available in indian grocery store, put into water and swallow it. It helps to remove gas, constipation and has so many other benefits. Some people take Fengugreek seeds every night since it has so many health benefits besides removing gas and digestive problem.
by http://www.tipsforhealth.org/

The Tips, Skills, and Tools you Need to Negotiate Effectively

Negotiating skills are a nonnegotiable requirement for success, but few people understand the structures, techniques and approaches available to them in an attempt to gain successful results. Effective negotiation means more than just getting what you want. It means arriving at a solution that satisfies all parties and creates future opportunities. Fine tune your communication style. Listening is a key part of effective communication. What is and is not said is key during negotiations and in building professional relationship. Establish an assertive approach, communicate in a clear fashion, remain professional, be patient, try to avoid aggressive behaviors. Neutralize objectives presented by the counterpart and negotiate with confidence.

Being aggressive means standing up for yourself in ways that violate the rights of others.
Aggressive behavior is typically punishing, hostile, blaming, and demanding. It can involve threats, name-calling, and even actual physical contact. It can also involve sarcasm, catty comments, gossip and "slips of the tongue." Negotiation training will give you the crucial negotiation skill, strategies, tools and techniques you must have to effectively handle negotiations ranging from sales, contract, labor and business negotiations, to international negotiations involving business and political conflict to all varieties of personal negotiations.

Negotiation Tips and Goals

1. Improve personal and professional profitability.
2. Achieve desired outcomes and create synergy while fostering relationships.
3. Maximize financial returns and value in negotiations.
4. Avoid being cheated.
5. Neutralize difficult negotiators and their tactics.
6. Enter into and conduct negotiations with confidence.
7. Know when and how to walk away from a negotiation.
8. Improve personal relationships with colleagues, clients and loved ones.
9. Build leadership and team building skills.
10. Turn cultural differences into assets rather than liabilities.
Strategic thinking and planning is pivotal to your success in this business climate.
Source: Free Articles

Rabu, 16 November 2011

By John D. Sutter, CNN
When Microsoft Kinect - the Xbox gaming camera that reads your body motions - came onto the scene about a year ago, there were plenty of signs that body gestures were going to start controlling technological gizmos of all sorts.
After all, the Wii, which debuted in 2006, popularized the idea that technology should be able to sense what your body is doing - without pushing a button. And, if nothing else, the movie "Minority Report" (and the real-world researcher, John Underkoffler, who made that possible) showed us that we'd soon be able to control computers and TVs with the wave of a hand.
In the year since Kinect, sci-fi versions of this no-remote reality have started to become real. Technologists are attaching motion-sensing cameras to all kinds of things - using them to control consumer electronics and contribute to scientific research. And they're tapping into old-school cameras, too, turning simple gadgets like smartphones into body reading machines.

More on this trend from ReadWriteWeb's Marshall Kirkpatrick:
Multitouch, voice search, gestures. Those are now some of the most potent points of intersection between human will and computational power. Could this new stage of interface change the world as much as the transition from the Command Line to the GUI did? It may very well.
MIT Technology Review says gesture interfaces, in the wake of Wii and Kinect, are going mainstream:
The first demonstrations of what gestural interfaces could offer beyond gaming came from enterprising hackers who did things like using a Wii controller to steer a Roomba robotic vacuum, and academic researchers like those those in Microsoft's labs who adapted the Kinect to do things such as creating a 3-D model of a user's whole body. Analyst firm Markets & Markets estimates that the market for the hardware and software components needed to enable gesture recognition in products such as the Kinect was worth $200 million in 2010 and will be worth $625 million by 2015.
Take a look at this promo video from Microsoft, which shows all kinds of potential uses for the technology - from playing a virtual violin to teaching a class about DNA. It's promotional, obviously, but still pretty fascinating:
Plenty of stuff kind of like that is already happening in the real world. Take this example of music mixing - enhanced by a motion-sensor:

Games are being rebuilt around this idea, too. Here's a Kinect hack of Tetris, where a gentleman controls the pieces by waving his hands and moving his head. Maybe this isn't the most elegant way to play the classic Nintendo game, but it's one of many examples of how hackers are taking Kinect's motion-capture tech and doing whatever they like with it:

Another Kinect hack uses Microsoft's motion-sensing camera to help a Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner "see" the space it's cleaning:

Finally, plenty of spin-off companies are capitalizing on the idea of gesture-controlled technology.
Here's a company that is trying to make this idea work on tablets and phones:

And, from LG, one that's taking the idea of a gesture-commanded home entertainment center to a slightly different place - with a remote control you can use to wave your way from one screen to the next:
Post by:
Filed under: Innovation • Tech

MIT project tries to turn trash into a game

By John D. Sutter, CNN
Here's the problem with recycling: It's boring.
But maybe it doesn't have to be. A Boston company called Greenbean Recycle is trying to make the act of keeping bottles and cans out of the landfill into a fun, competitive and engaging game for students at MIT.
The new company, which won an innovation prize this week from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, has converted a beefy recycling machine on MIT's campus into a point tabulator of sorts. When students approach the high-tech trash can to dump in their recyclables, they punch their phone number on a touch screen. A bar-code reader in the machine counts the number of cans, bottles and the like that the person has dropped off - and then uploads that data to Greenbean's website.
Recyclers can track their progress online, and even engage in competitions with fellow students.
"We want to be like the Zynga of recycling," said CEO Shanker Sahai, 38, referring the maker of such social games as "FarmVille."
Competitions between fraternities at MIT have been particularly fruitful, he said, with the houses trying to compete against each other to get the top spot on an online recycling leaderboard.
There are some real-world rewards, too.
Greenbean has offered free gift cards for people who recycle more cans and bottles than anyone else on campus during a given time period. He envisions giving away Red Sox tickets and other goodies, provided by sponsors, to entice people to recycle more.
He's not the only one trying to turn trash and recycling into a game.
Volkswagen in 2009 created a Bottle Bank Arcade that made cool, game-ified noises when people dropped bottles into recycling containers. Check out this brilliant little video about the project, which was part of the company's Fun Theory promotion:

watch me

There's also a network called the Recycle Bank that gives people points and rewards for doing eco-things.
Greenbean's "reverse vending machine," which is manufactured by a company called Tomra, gives recyclers rewards for cans and bottles that offer return discounts - usually about 5 cents in Massachusetts. Those rewards are automatically deposited in a recycler's PayPal account, on his or her MIT spending card or donated to a charity the person has selected online, Sahai said.
The project started this summer and, as of Wednesday afternoon, had recycled nearly 14,000 containers, saving an estimated 2,500 kilowatt hours of electricity, according to the website. The company plans to expand to Tufts and other Boston-area universities later this year and in the spring. Eventually, Sahai wants to take the idea of game-recycling to condos.
Giving people instant data about the positive impact their recycling makes is key, he said.
"We live in this era of instant gratification - and no one has done that for recycling," he said. "But Greenbean will."
Post by:
Filed under: Innovation • Tech • Thinkers

The Next List: Marco Tempest, the 'cyber-illusionist'

Each week “The Next List,” with host Dr. Sanjay Gupta, profiles innovators from all walks of life and all fields of endeavor. This new CNN TV series will explore what makes each of these individuals a non-conformist agent of change.
Our goal is to explore why these innovators are successful - and to take a fun peek into their creative worlds.
These subjects are driving change that will impact our lives - in technology, education, entertainment, the arts and natural sciences. We will explore how their passion, personal history and unique thinking enabled their successes today.
Our first Next Lister is Marco Tempest, a magician who's so unique he wouldn't even use that word to describe himself. Instead, he refers to himself as a "cyber-illusionist." Tempest combines videos, computer graphics and other modern technologies with the ideas of old-world magic.
Tempest began performing at a very young age. By the time he was 22, he had captured the prestigious New York World Cup of Magic, launching him into international prominence. Always working to stay just a bit ahead of the curve, he has a particularly winning way of taking his audiences with him on his magical excursions into the land of tomorrow.
Take a look at our first show, which aired on Sunday. To watch the full program, start with the video at the top of this post and then continue with the videos below. Thanks – and let us know what you think in the comments section!  http://whatsnext.blogs.cnn.com/2011/11/15/the-next-list-marco-tempest-part-1/

DEBATE PREP: America the cyber sucker?

Editor’s note: This analysis is part of Security Clearance blog’s “Debate Preps” series. On November 22, CNN, along with AEI and The Heritage Foundation, will host a Republican candidate debate focused on national security topics. In the run-up to the debate, Security Clearance asked both the sponsoring conservative think tanks to look at the key foreign policy issues and tell us what they want to hear candidates address.
By The Heritage Foundation's James Jay Carafano, Special to CNN
The scene from "Casablanca" says it all.
"I'm shocked-shocked to find that gambling is going on in here," Police Inspector Renault declares.  Immediately, the croupier hands the chief inspector his roulette table winnings.
Renault's disingenuousness disclaimer could be the tag line for U.S. cyber security policy. Just last month, the Director of National Intelligence delivered a report to Congress – "Foreign Spies Stealing U.S. Economic Secrets in Cyberspace."  Its "shocking" conclusion: China and Russia are stealing us blind.
Quelle surprise! Chinese beachheads in U.S. cyberspace have turned up time and again for years.  Not long ago Chinese hackers so thoroughly penetrated the computer network at the U.S. National Defense University in Washington, D.C., the entire system had to be shut down and cleaned out.
As for the Russians, they've long been recognized as a real "bear" online.  The infamous Russian Business Network (RBN) brazenly ran all manner of illicit online operations- and there was never much doubt that they were working in collusion with Kremlin officials.
It was a mutually beneficial partnership.  RBN maintained a public homepage that accepted complaints about malicious activities.  The grievances were referred to the RBN "abuse team" for "investigation."  The team would then dutifully request a Russian judicial indictment against the offender. Conveniently, however, it proved almost impossible to obtain the indictment.
The Russian government is widely believed to be the prime mover behind the massive 2007 denial-of-service attack against Estonia.  But Moscow left no fingerprints.  The Kremlin is thought to have outsourced that particular piece of cyber dirty work to a derivative of RBN.
It is hard to believe the U.S. government wasn't aware of this.  Shortly after FBI Director Mueller visited to his counterparts in Moscow-RBN "disappeared."  Coincidence?  Or did Mueller read the Russians the riot act.  Regardless, as this latest report from the U.S. intelligence community shows, both Russia's criminal networks and its intelligence service are up to no good online.
Nor is there much surprise that online evildoers are homing in on "economic" targets. It is estimated that half of the world's intellectual property is in the United States.
Another Inspector Renault moment came right after the report was released.  Issuing an unbelievable, bold-faced response, China's foreign policy spokesperson dismissed the U.S. allegations as "unprofessional and irresponsible."  This is rich.
In fact, the U.S. intelligence community report pulled its punches, acknowledging it could not pin all of this activity directly on the government. That is because Beijing is not stupid.  It has created-and mastered-the art of "patriotic hacking," enlisting citizens to steal secrets for them and then rewarding them for their "patriotism."
Cybersecurity is a weighty issue, one that should be addressed in the upcoming GOP presidential candidates debate dedicated to foreign policy and national security.
Certainly it's a security challenge that requires presidential leadership.  Currently, at least 18 major cyber bills are pending in Congress.  Lawmakers are less of one mind on cyber than they are on how to balance the budget.  America needs savvy cyber-strategic leaders.  And there's no better place for it to start than at the top.http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2011/11/16/debate-prep-america-the-cyber-sucker/

Burned Gadhafi nanny making progress

A nanny who suffered extensive burns when, she said, a relative of ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's family poured boiling water on her, may be discharged from a hospital in Malta as early as next week. She has been receiving medial treatment there since she arrived from Libya in September.
CNN journalists came upon domestic worker Shweyga Mullah in August in the plush home of Gadhafi's son Hannibal Gadhafi after anti-Gadhafi forces overran Tripoli. Mullah, in her 20s, was sitting on the floor of an empty building.
She worked as a nanny for two of the couple's children. When she couldn't keep one from crying, and refused to beat the child, she said Aline Gadhafi poured the boiling water on her head.
Now, after weeks of treatment, hospital officials Mullah continues to make good progress. Since she arrived in Malta on September 15, she's had two different sets of surgical procedures.
One surgery, in late September, was focused on her torso. Doctors performed a skin graft on the front of her torso to help treatment in the burns.
The second procedure was on October 15 to help with burns on her scalp area. Doctors haven't done a skin graft there because they are wanting to try and allow some of the hair follicles to grow back and those that are there to survive. It's something Mullah has asked for. So the procedure was really aiming to clean the wounds and efforts to promote healing.
Officials say she could be discharged as early as next week and become an out-patient. This would mean she could stay in an apartment that the Maltese government are providing for her, and get some sense of normalcy back into her life.
She'll continue with the physical therapy she's been receiving to try to free up her should and, of course, continue the psychological counseling that's been so important for her to get over this trauma.
She was one of many worldwide caught in domestic servitude, a form of modern-day slavery
Burned Gadhafi nanny making progress

Selasa, 08 November 2011

3 Cara Alternatif Mengusir Sakit Kepala

Sakit kepala yang secara medis dikenal sebagai cephalalgia adalah kondisi terdapatnya rasa sakit di kepala, kadang di leher bagian belakang leher atau punggung bagian atas. Gangguan sakit kepala sekilas memang terlihat sebagai suatu masalah yang sepele, namun kondisi ini bisa sangat mengganggu aktivitas.
Ada banyak cara untuk mengatasi serangan sakit kepala, salah satunya dengan minum obat pereda nyeri. Namun ada pula beberapa cara alternatif yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk mengusir penderitaan akibat sakit kepala:

1. Biofeedback
Ini adalah suatu metode menggunakan sensor elektronik untuk memonitor fungsi tubuh seperti masalah ketegangan otot, suhu kulit, detak jantung, dan tekanan darah. Keterangan kondisi pasien biasanya akan terlihat melalui suara atau gambar di komputer. Studi menunjukkan, biofeedback sangat efektif untuk mengatasi migrain dan ketegangan di kepala. Sebuah analisis terbaru yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Headache menunjukkan terapi perilaku, seperti biofeedback, lebih hemat biaya dibandingkan pemberian resep obat.

2. Akupunktur
Dalam metode akupunktur, jarum tipis dimasukkan ke bawah lapisan kulit untuk menyetel kembali aliran energi, atau qi, di dalam tubuh. Sebuah analisis oleh para ahli yang dikenal sebagai Cochrane review menemukan, akupunktur dapat membantu mencegah migrain akut dengan lebih sedikit efek samping. Bukti juga menunjukkan bahwa akupunktur dapat membantu orang dengan sakit kepala kronis

3. Pijat
Untuk pertolongan sementara sakit kepala, Anda bisa mencoba untuk menggosok pelipis atauleher, punggung, kepala, atau bahu. "Anda akan merasa lebih baik sementara waktu, tapi kemudian Anda harus melakukannya lagi," kata Salwa H. Hanna, MD, pemilik dan direktur medis dari Headache Clinic of Denver. Dalam sebuah penelitian kecil, penderita migren yang mendapatkansesi pijat selama enam minggu, frekuensi migrainnya cenderung berkurang dan mendapatkan kualitas tidur lebih baik.

4. Peregangan
Lakukan peregangan untuk mengurangi otot tegang yang memberi kontribusi terhadap nyeri. Cobalah tiga gerakan ini : gerakan leher (dagu ke depan, ke atas, dan ke samping kiri dan kanan); gerakan bahu (gerakan bahu ke atas, putar bahu ke depan dan belakang); dan leher isometrik (tangan menekan pada setiap sisi kepala). Lakukan peregangan dua kali sehari selama 20 menit per sesi. Tahan peregangan selama lima detik, relaks selama lima detik, dan ulangi setiap peregangan tiga sampai lima kali.

5. Aerobik
Latihan aerobik yang teratur, seperti jalan cepat, bersepeda, atau berenang, dapat mengurangi intensitas dan frekuensi migrain, menurut National Pain Foundation. Sebuah penelitian kecil yang dipublikasikan dalam jurnal Headache terhadap pasien migrain yang melakukan senam teratur selama 12-minggu dengan bersepeda di dalam ruangan menunjukkan, ada peningkatan kualitas hidup dan berkurangnya angka kejadian migrain, serta intensitas nyeri.

6. Meditasi
Berbagai teknik meditasi dapat digunakan untuk memfokuskan perhatian dan menenangkan pikiran dari gangguan seperti nyeri kronis. Pada titik ini, ada sedikit data tentang efek dari meditasi pada migrain. Para peneliti di Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, di Baltimore, yang terlibat dalam percobaan klinis mencoba menentukan apakah Vipassana - teknik meditasi kuno India yang berfokus pada pikiran - dapat mengurangi frekuensi dan tingkat keparahan migrain dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup secara keseluruhan. Sebuah riset kecil pada penderita migrain menemukan bahwa meditasi spiritual mengurangi frekuensi sakit kepala dan toleransi nyeri yang lebih baik ketimbang meditasi sekuler dan relaksasi otot.

7. Yoga
Sebuah penelitian kecil mengenai sakit kepala melibatkan dua kelompok pasien migrain secara acak yang ditugaskan melakukan terapi yoga selama tiga bulan. Hasilnya, dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol, peserta yoga lebih sedikit mengalami serangan sakit kepala. 8. Latihan relaksasi
Menarik napas panjang, santai mendengarkan musik atau menggunakan pencitraan mental, dapat membantu orang rileks dan mungkin terhindar dari sakit kepala. Temuan ini perlu penelitian lebih lanjut.
Namun, sebuah penelitian terhadap 90 penderita sakit kepala menemukan bahwa pelatihan relaksasi dapat meningkatkan kualitas tidur lebih baik ketimbang akupunktur.

9. Terapi panas dan dingin
Siapapun dapat menggunakan terapi ini. Bahkan, tidak ada risiko bagi wanita hamil dengan sakit kepala. Untuk mengurangi rasa tegang di leher, Anda bisa memberikan sensasi panas ke bagian belakang leher. Untuk sakit kepala, Anda juga dapat menempelkan es ke daerah pelipis.
Menurut penjelasan Edmund Messina, MD, dokter yang berpraktik di Michigan Headache Clinic, pembuluh arteri yang menyuplai darah ke dura (lapisan otak) letaknya di belakang lapisan tulang tipis di daerah pelipis. "Dura akan meradang pada saat Anda mengalami migraine. Menurunkan suhu pada pembuluh darah yang melewati area tersebut diyakini dapat meredakan rasa sakit yang timbul," ujarnya.

10. Hindari nitrat dan nitrit
Para ahli menganjurkan untuk menghindari zat-zat yang dapat merangsang sakit kepala, termasuk nitrit dan nitrat dalam daging olahan dan monosodium glutamat (MSG) yang digunakan dalam makanan sebagai penambah rasa. Beberapa obat jantung juga mengandung nitrat.
Sementara itu, kafein, alkohol, phenylethylamine (yang ditemukan dalam coklat dan keju), tiramin (ditemukan dalam kacang-kacangan dan daging fermentasi, keju, dan kedelai), dan aspartam (pemanis buatan dalam makanan banyak) adalah sebagian pemicu dari sakit kepala.

11. Botox
Suntikan Botox telah disetujui FDA untuk mengobati orang dewasa dengan migrain kronis. Dua penelitian besar yang didanai oleh Allergan (pembuat Botox), menunjukkan penurunan frekuensi sakit kepala. Tapi kelompok yang menerima suntikan plasebo menunjukkan perbaikan juga. Namun, beberapa pihak masih mempertanyakan efektivitas terapi itu. "Botox menghasilkan euforia pada mereka yang ketagihan untuk itu, tapi aku belum pernahmelihat cara kerjanya," kata Dr Messina.

12. Stimulasi transkranial magnetik
Sebuah penelitian baru menemukan, ketika pasien diberik stimulasi magnetik transkranial pada otaknya, mereka mendapat pertolongan lebih baik dalam mengatasi masalah sakit kepala ketimbang mereka yang diobati dengan plasebo. Terapi yang bersifat noninvasif ini berlangsung selama satu atau dua jam dan dilakukan di suatu klinik khusus.
Terapi dilakukan dengan cara menempatkan koil elektromagnetik ke dekat kepala untuk mengirimkan sinyal atau gelombang. Namun demikian, stimulasi magnetik transkranial masih dianggap sebagai terapi eksperimental untuk mengobati migrain.

13. Elektroda implan

Problem sakit kepala kambuhan di masa depan mungkin akan terselesaikan dengan penggunaan elektroda yang ditanam di leher atau otak untuk meredakan nyeri.
Salah satu jenis terapi yang disebut stimulasi saraf oksipital, muncul sebagai pengobatan menjanjikan dalam pengobatan sakit kepala kluster dan migrain, meski terapi ini masih perlu dikaji melalui studi berskala besar. Dalam perawatan ini, elektroda ditanamkan di dasar tengkorak, dekat saraf oksipital.
From http://www.dechacare.com

Kiat Melindungi Jantung di Usia 20 dan 30 Tahun

Penyakit jantung kini makin banyak diderita orang berusia produktif. Meski begitu sebenarnya penyakit ini bisa dicegah.  Berikut adalah beberapa langkah yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk menjaga kesehatan jantung.

Di Usia 20 Tahun

- Kurangi kalori

Ganti kebiasaan Anda mengonsumsi yang berkadar gula tinggi seperti minuman bersoda, jus atau sport drink dengan air putih. Penelitian menunjukkan orang yang memperoleh asupan kalori dari gula tambahan biasanya kurang mengonsumsi serat, kalsium, zat besi, dan vitamin dari makanan mereka. Makanan dan minuman yang mengandung banyak gula juga akan menyebabkan kita kegemukan sehingga lebih beresiko pada tekanan darah tinggi dan diabetes.

- Berhenti merokok

Berhenti merokok merupakan langkah utama untuk melindungi jantung. Di usia remaja, merokok dianggap sebagai hal yang keren, namun di usia 20-an, banyak orang yang merokok untuk menghilangkan stres. Menurut Malissa Wood, dari American Heart Association berhenti merokok di usia 20 tahun jauh lebih mudah di banding di usia selanjutnya.

- Ketahui riwayat keluarga

Bila ayah menderita serangan jantung sebelum usia 55 tahun dan ibu sebelum 65 tahun, atau ada anggota keluarga yang mati muda karena penyakit jantung, risiko Anda akan menjadi tinggi.

Di Usia 30 Tahun

- Jaga berat badan

Di usia 30 tahun biasanya tingkat ekonomi seseorang mulai mapan. Pastikan Anda tidak terlena dengan melupakan kesehatan. Lakukan olahraga secara rutin dan jaga asupan kalori.

- Kelola stres

Lakukan aktivitas yang Anda sukai setidaknya 15-20 menit setiap hari. Misalnya saja meditasi, membaca buku, atau bermain bersama hewan peliharaan. Kegiatan yang membuat Anda lebih rileks sangat disarankan untuk meredakan stres.

- Tes kesehatan

Lakukan pemeriksaan darah untuk mengetahui apakah kadar kolesterol dan gula darah Anda sesuai standar normal. Selain itu ukur pula tekanan darah dan berat badan secara teratur. Konsultasikan pada dokter langkah-langkah yang diperlukan bila hasil pemeriksaan Anda di luar batas normal.
From http://www.dechacare.com

Kurang Vitamin D Beresiko Tekanan Darah Tinggi

Perempuan muda kulit putih yang mengalami penurunan vitamin D tiga kali lebih mungkin untuk terserang tekanan darah tinggi pada usia menengah dibandingkan dengan mereka dengan tingkat vitamin D normal.

Satu studi yang disiarkan Kamis (23/9) pada pertemuan American Heart Association di Chicago, Amerika Serikat, menambahkan perempuan muda ke dalam daftar yang berkembang mengenai orang, termasuk pria, yang mungkin terserang tekanan darah tinggi setidaknya sebagian akibat tingkat rendah vitamin D.

Para peneliti dari Michigan, yang mengkaji data 559 perempuan sejak 1992, mendapati perempuan dengan tingkat rendah vitamin D lebih mungkin untuk terserang tekanan darah tinggi 15 tahun kemudian pada 2007.

"Hasil kami menunjukkan bahwa kemerosotan dini vitamin D mungkin meningkatkan resiko jangka panjang tekanan darah tinggi pada perempuan pada usia pertengahan," kata Floujaune Griffin, yang mengerjakan studi buat University of Michigan School of Public Health.

Vitamin D, yang dapat diperoleh tubuh manusia dari sinar Matahari dan yang ditemukan pada ikan berlemak, produk susu dan makanan tambahan, telah lama diketahui memberi sumbangan bagi gigi dan tulang yang sehat. Namun kemerosotan, yang tersebar luas pada perempuan, berkaitan dengan kanker, gangguan sistem kekebalan dan penyakit radang.

Tekanan darah tinggi meningkatkan kemungkinan stroke, sakit jantung dan gangguan lain pembuluh darah dan jantung. Perempuan di dalam studi tekanan darah tersebut tinggal di Tecumseh, Michigan, dan berusia 24 sampai 44 tahun dengan usia rata-rata 38 tahun, ketika penelitian itu dimulai.

Para peneliti mengukur tingkat vitamin D pada darah saat awal dan mengambil catatan tekanan darah sekali setahun. Pada 2007, mereka membandingkan catatan sistolik, jumlah tertinggi pada hasil tekanan darah tinggi yang menunjukkan tekanan di dalam pembuluh darah ketika jantung berdenyut.

Lebih dari 10% perempuan yang mengalami kemerosotan vitamin D memiliki tekanan darah tinggi pada 2007, sedangkan 3,7% pada perempuan dengan tingkat yang cukup. Ketika studi tersebut dimulai, 5,5% perempuan yang mengalami kemerosotan tingkat vitamin D juga memiliki tekanan darah tinggi, sementara 2,8% pada perempuan dengan vitamin D normal.

Studi itu didanai oleh U.S. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.

Hampir separuh penduduk di seluruh dunia memiliki tingkat vitamin D yang lebih rendah dan para peneliti mengatakan masalahnya bertambah buruk saat orang menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu di dalam rumah. Orang Amerika-Afrika tampaknya menghadapi resiko sangat tinggi karena kulit gelap dapat membuat lebih berat bagi tubuh untuk menyerap sinar ultraviolet.
From http://www.dechacare.com

Web Server dengan modul PHP

Langsung aja nih, nggak usah Muter-muter,  semoga bermanfaat bagi teman-teman pemula untuk membuat server web dengan modul php berkelas, ini pengalaman saya waktu nginstall di Linux Redhat9 dan Fedora, semua source di asumsikan ada di /usr/local/src, tapi kalo kita gak punya source nya, nggak usah kuwatir deh kerenakita bisa dapetin source di alamat website dibawah ini :
Setelah semuanya didapet ikuti langkah praktis berikut
Langkah Ke 1 : compile httpd
cd /usr/local/src
tar -zxvf httpd-2.0.49.tar.gz
cd httpd-2.0.49
make install
Langkah Ke 2 : iconv
tar -zxvf libiconv-1.9.1.tar.gz
cd ../libiconv-1.9.1
./configure –prefix=/usr/local
make install
Langkah Ke 3 : PHP 4 (as Apache 2 server module!)
tar -zxvf php-4.3.5.tar.gz
cd ../php-4.3.5
make install
cp php.ini-dist /usr/local/apache2/conf/php.ini
setelah langkah-langkah diatas di jalankan sekarang saatnya kita konfigurasi /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf, agar PHP kita dapat jalan maka kita tambahkan script di file httpd.conf seperti dibawah ini :
LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
Sekarang udah selesai install apache2 dengan dukungan PHP, Bagaimana…? kagak sulit kan install apache2 dengan dukungan PHP di linux. Untuk mengetes apakah PHP kita udah jalan apa belum kita dapat membuat file dengan nama index.php yang kemudian diletakkan di Document.root
Contoh file index.php
<head><title>PHP Test</title></head>
<? phpinfo(); ?>
Selamat mencoba..
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