Minggu, 27 November 2011

Exercise with the ball for thighs and abs

What is an exercise ball?
An exercise ball, also known as the stability ball, or the Swiss ball, is an essential tool in many different physical exercises practiced at homes and in physical training centers. It is made out of elastic material and filled with air and is usually found in physical training institutes and gyms. The basic purpose of this ball is to provide the right amount of support and balance that is required for that particular exercise. The exercise ball is available by many names including therapy ball, yoga ball, physioball, sports ball etc.
What is it used for?
Many people all over the world also use the exercise ball in order to correct and maintain posture. Exercise balls in gyms and physical training institutes are used for a variety of exercises and physical training routines. The main purpose of the exercise ball is providing balance and support during exercises.
An exercise ball is available in different sizes varying with weight resistance based on the standard; the material with which these stability balls are manufactured is tough and resistant to weight, which means that they can withstand a considerable amount of force. This property makes them an ideal tool for exercising purposes.
What is the benefit of using the exercise ball?
The main benefit of using the exercise ball is the fact that it forces and engages more muscles in making the body stable and in gaining balance. This in turn makes these muscles stronger. This is why most exercises that involve the stability ball are abdominal and back muscle exercises.
Exercises with the exercise ball and stay healthy

From  http://www.tipsforhealth.org

Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder

For anyone who wants to build muscle faster, there are many products out there boasting human growth hormone or protein or nitric oxide. However, not all of them work in a natural setting like Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder. With Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder you can enjoy natural stimulants that cut your fat and build muscle.

Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder Benefits

There are two main benefits to using Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder. The first is that it helps the body to naturally produce more growth hormones which works avidly to reduce fat. Second, it works to build muscle naturally, the same as you were able to build when you were twenty. Since it can maximize the body’s natural potential it is being recognized all over the world for have growth hormone benefits.

How does Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder Works?

Velvet antler is known as the cartilaginous antler on deer in the pre-calcified stage. Prior to reaching its full size, antlers are cut off near the base to prevent the calcification. The antler is then dried and used for ancient health remedies. The Ancient Chinese used velvet antler as a pro-growth agent, an immune stimulant, anti-cancer, and anti-inflammatory agents. MLB players have already been using deer antler, but it is not banned because of the performance-enhancing effects it has on building muscle and cutting fat. Harvesting antler velvet is a safe and humane process, which causes no harm or pain to the deer. The quality of the antlers is assessed and then they are removed through a surgical process by a veterinarian. The deer are released the same day.

Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder Side Effects

So far, there are no major side effects associated with using this product, though unnecessarily large doses can be unhealthy. Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder is used as an alternative to steroids because it does not pose health risks. The supplement offers safe use so long as safety precautions are taken.

Where To Buy Deer Antler Plus Muscle Builder

Healthy Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates make up the bulk of an average persons diet. These are starches and sugars that our body utilizes for energy. Rice, bread, pasta and vegetables high in starch like potatoes are rich in carbohydrates. Not all carbs are healthy for you, as some can make you gain weight and offer empty calories. Here are a few tips that can help you select healthy carbohydrates:
Choose whole grains:
Instead of going for breads, buns, rolls and cereals made from white flour, try to go for whole grain varieties. These are high in fiber and also don’t make you put on excessive weight. They are also great for the digestive system.
Replace white pasta with whole wheat pasta:
Substitute the regular pasta that you eat with the ones made from whole wheat. This is definitely low in calories and even tastes better. You can even opt for spinach pasta or egg noodles instead of regular noodles.
Try to avoid starchy vegetables:
Try to go for healthy carbs like turnips, cauliflower and celery roots instead of the starch loaded potatoes. If you want, you can always add these vegetables to mashed potatoes to limit the potato intake in your diet, instead of eliminating it all together. Include fresh vegetables like carrots, onions, cucumbers and salad to your diet and try to eat them raw as much as possible.
Add fruits to your diet:
Fruits are always very healthy and loaded with vitamins and minerals. Fruit is also very high in fiber and can do you a world of good if you eat it regularly. Try to avoid starchy fruit like bananas and stick to more healthy and low calorie options like apples, strawberries and other seasonal fruits.

From www.tipsforhealth.org

Fruit Benefits : How Fruit Nutrition Benefits Health

Fruits have many benefits for your health and well being, and if eaten regularly can even aid you in losing weight. Mentioned here are some benefits of eating fruits:
Weight control: Fruits help you in losing weight by satisfying your carving for sugars since they are not loaded with calories, they don’t let you gain too much weight
Packed with energy: fruits provide you with much more energy to perform your daily duties and even exercises as they are rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are essential for your health
Lower risk of developing heart diseases: since fruits contain literally no cholesterols, they help maintain ideal levels of cholesterol in the blood, they are also packed full of potassium that is very healthy for the heart. They actually have the potential to lower the risk of heart diseases as well as aiding in lowering blood pressure due to the high potassium content.
May reduce the risks of developing certain cancers: fruits contain a lot of anti oxidants, which help fight cancer producing cells. They also have natural chemicals that may aid in preventing the growth of mutating cells, especially colon cancer cells.
Fruits help in slowing down the aging process: due to the anti-oxidants and vitamins in fruits, they help you stay younger, healthier and stronger. They give you the essential minerals and vitamins that will not let you have deficiencies and thus, have a better and longer life.
How can you incorporate fruits into your diet?
  • Add dried pieces of fruit to your breakfast cereal
  • Make fruit salads, and then refrigerate them
  • Eat apples, bananas, pears, grape fruit or any other seasonal fruit before you go out
  • Drink fruit juices instead of sodas, but always try to make fresh fruit juice.
From www.tipsforhealth.org

Perhitungan Biaya Kos

Ini adalah script php untuk menghitung biaya kos, dengan berbagai fasilitas kos yang ada. Ketik script php di bawah ini, simpan di xampp\htdocs, lalu jalankan di browser.

 <TITLE>Form Input Data</TITLE>
 <form method="post" action="" target="_self">
    <table border="1">
        <td colspan="2" align="center"><b>PERHITUNGAN HARGA KOST</b></td>
        <td width="116">Tipe Kamar</td>
        <td width="174"><select name="tipe">
                           <option value="A">A. [2x3 m]</option>
                           <option value="B">B. [3x3 m]</option>
                           <option value="C">C. [4x3 m]</option>
          <td><input name="rb_air" type="radio" value="PDAM">Air PDAM<br>
             <input name="rb_air" type="radio" value="Tanah">Air Tanah</td>
          <td><input name="cb_telepon" type="checkbox" value="Y">Telepon<br>
              <input name="cb_televisi" type="checkbox" value="Y">Televisi<br>
              <input name="cb_komputer" type="checkbox" value="Y">Komputer<br>
              <input name="cb_rice" type="checkbox" value="Y">Rice Cooker</td>
              <td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Hitung">
              <input type="reset" name="submit2" value="Reset"></td>


          if($submit)//Jika tombol submit di klik

              <table border="1">
              <tr><td colspan="2"align="center">HASIL PERHITUNGAN</td></tr>
              <tr bgcolor="silver"><td colspan="2" align="center">Kamar</td></tr>
                              $luas="2 x 3 m";
                             $luas="3 x 3 m";
                             $luas="4 x 3 m";
                          echo $luas;//menuliskan luas
              ?></td><td align=right>Rp.
                           <? echo number_format($harga,0,",",".");?></td></tr>
                 <tr bgcolor="silver"><td align="center" colspan="2">Jenis Air</td></tr>
                 <tr><td>Air <? echo $rb_air;?></td><td align="right">Rp.
                       echo number_format($air,0,",",".");//menuliskan air
               echo "<tr bgcolor=silver>
                     <td align=center colspan=2>Fasilitas-Fasilitas</td></tr>";
                                echo "<tr><td>Telepon</td><td align=right>Rp. ".
                                  echo "<tr><td>Televisi</td><td align=right>Rp. ".
                               echo "<tr><td>Komputer</td><td align=right>Rp. ".
                            echo "<tr><td>Rice Cooker</td><td align=right>Rp. ".
                         echo "<tr bgcolor=silver><td>TOTAL</td><td align=right><b>Rp. ".


Senin, 21 November 2011

Beauty Tips: Five Important Beauty Tips For Wom

Beauty does not necessarily come from the usage of expensive cosmetics and skin treatments. You can use these easy to follow beauty tips and bring out your natural beauty with the help of these excellent beauty tips which will allow you to look stunning!

Get enough sleep:

8 hours of sleep every night is a must. The body needs this time period for the production and regeneration of many substances which cannot take place otherwise. Ample amount of sleep every night will also prevent the formation of dark circles or eye bags, which in some cases cannot be concealed even with the help of makeup. The key to looking fresh and healthy is as simple as getting a good night’s sleep.

Drink plenty of water:

For a healthy, glowing skin you must drink plenty of water. Drinking eight glasses of water daily can give you a perfect, flawless skin which will not require any artificial beauty enhancement.

Cut down on oils and fats:

A balanced diet which consists of all basic nutrients and minerals required by the body is absolutely essential, but for a perfect, acne free skin, cut down on fried and oily foods entirely. This will prevent oily skin and acne.

Wome Beauty Tips: Look Younger

Protect your skin:

Always wear sun block that suits your skin when out in the sun in order to prevent sun burns and uneven tans. Apart from looking unattractive, these tans take a considerable period of time in vanishing. Also, avoid direct exposure to dust, dirt and pollution.

Include plenty of greens in your diet:

It is true that every single fruit and every single vegetable has unique benefits of its own. Fruits and vegetables are full of important minerals and vitamins that can do you a world of good.
from http://www.tipsforhealth.org/

How to get rid of a Mucocele

Mucoceles are oral swellings that occur in the mouth or tiny sacs under the tongue. Main reason for Mucocele is salivary gland gets blocked and saliva is unable to flow smoothly.

Home Treatment For Mucocele:

Most of time, Mucocele will disappear by itself and you don’t have to do anything to treat it. But sometimes it last longer and cause very discomfort for eating normally and you may have to treat it or do something.
People usually opt for surgery to treat bad Mucocele but here are some tips that you can use to get rid of Mucocele and if problem still persist, consult your physician.
  • Apply some honey where Mucocele appears. It will give you some relief.
  • Take some salt and gargle with it couple times a day. People report Mucocele completely gone using salt.
  • Even using caster oil at night time helps.
  • Put some alum for 10 minutes and use mouth wash afterwards. Repeat this process couple of times.
Again, these are simple home remedy that you can try quick to remove any discomfort and Mucocele .
If you had Mucocele and used any natural treatment to get rid of it, please let our visitor know about it and post it here.
from http://www.tipsforhealth.org/how-to-ret-rid-of-a-mucocele