A nanny who suffered extensive burns when, she
said, a relative of ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's family poured
boiling water on her, may be discharged from a hospital in Malta as
early as next week. She has been receiving medial treatment there since
she arrived from Libya in September.
CNN journalists came upon domestic worker Shweyga
Mullah in August in the plush home of Gadhafi's son Hannibal Gadhafi
after anti-Gadhafi forces overran Tripoli. Mullah, in her 20s, was
sitting on the floor of an empty building.She worked as a nanny for two of the couple's children. When she couldn't keep one from crying, and refused to beat the child, she said Aline Gadhafi poured the boiling water on her head.
Now, after weeks of treatment, hospital officials Mullah continues to make good progress. Since she arrived in Malta on September 15, she's had two different sets of surgical procedures.
One surgery, in late September, was focused on her torso. Doctors performed a skin graft on the front of her torso to help treatment in the burns.
The second procedure was on October 15 to help with burns on her scalp area. Doctors haven't done a skin graft there because they are wanting to try and allow some of the hair follicles to grow back and those that are there to survive. It's something Mullah has asked for. So the procedure was really aiming to clean the wounds and efforts to promote healing.
Officials say she could be discharged as early as next week and become an out-patient. This would mean she could stay in an apartment that the Maltese government are providing for her, and get some sense of normalcy back into her life.
She'll continue with the physical therapy she's been receiving to try to free up her should and, of course, continue the psychological counseling that's been so important for her to get over this trauma.
She was one of many worldwide caught in domestic servitude, a form of modern-day slavery
Burned Gadhafi nanny making progress
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